I love this crazy, tragic, sometimes almost magic, awful, beautiful life ........

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Absolute Truth #1…..or why I think chasing aspirin with wine is perfectly acceptable

So yesterday, as the day wore on, I found myself with an increasingly large headache. I’m dehydrated, of course, because I drink coffee literally all day. So I started chugging glass after glass of water and then I have to go pee every 10 minutes. But the headache subsided for a little bit. Then it was time to take the boy to the dentist for his first cavity filling….cringe. I sat for an hour on the edge of my chair, anxious, nervous, jaw clenched and the damn headache returns in full force. Not too mention that the noises that come out of a dentist office are headache inducing on their own. Top that off with the fact being nervous makes me have to pee too, I was a running to the bathroom every 10 minutes, neurotic, headache mess. So…..needless to say, I needed one of two things, a glass of wine or an aspirin.

Logic might tell some people that a glass of wine will only make it worse. Well logic told me that too, but I ignored it. Plus, trying to feed the boy dinner with half his face being numb still was slightly agonizing. Half way through the mac-n-cheese I noticed that his lip was slightly swollen and thought “oh shit, he’s having some sort of allergic reaction!” Well, duh, he can’t feel have his lip and just like the dentist told me he would, he bit it. Crap. Add that to my bad mommy moment list (more to come on that later). At that moment I figured I needed all the help I could get. We put away the mac-n-cheese and settled on popsicles for dinner and then I chased a few aspirin with my glass of wine. Don’t judge.

The way I figure it, it falls into that two-birds-one-stone theory. I had a headache and needed to relax at the same time and since I couldn’t really see any other legal, sane way to do that…well, I suppose aspirin and wine really aren’t just one stone, but you get my point.

It’s like “save water, shower together.” Seriously, water is expensive.

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